Friday, September 30, 2011

Expensive 3D Movie Tickets May Get A Price Hike

                      The innovation of three-dimensional movies hasn’t seen as much hype or has been used in movies so frequently up until the commercial success of James Cameron’s Avatar. The film industry doesn’t hesitate to spend extra money on the effect for the extra pay off. Some filmmakers even decide to convert their films into 3D after they already have been shot on regular 2D cameras. The 3D concept works most of the time but not with every type of movie. I think the effect works greatly with illustrated films but with real 3D, there’s no limit to what can be made 3D. 3D Movies have begun to be released left and right and moviegoers don’t mind spending several dollars extra if it’s something they want to see, but despite the new 3D craze Sony Pictures Entertainment recently notified movie theater owners that they would not cover the cost of the 3D glasses provided for each movie ticket bought after May 1st of 2012. The cost are around $5 million to $10 million for any one blockbuster film released, which is about 50 cents a ticket. With Sony having two blockbusters in 3D slated to be released in the summer of next year, this expense will have to be picked up by the theaters, which could in turn cause an increase on the ticket prices. When we see movies in 3D we’re used to getting the glasses and either recycling them after the film or some people choose to keep them or toss them in the trash, but a method that could save the theaters from hashing out more money and keep a couple extra dollars in our pockets is if they implement a policy that make costumers return the glasses after each movie. This is already being done in Australia, Spain and Italy, among other places and is a something I would hope the theaters would consider because once Sony stops covering the glasses, I’m sure other movie companies will do the same thing.

McClintock, P., (2011, September 27). Sony to Stop Paying For 3D Glasses in May 2012. Retrieved from

Vanderpool, S., (2011, September 29). Why 3D Movies Will Cost More In 2012. Retrieved from

Box Office Mojo (2011, September 30). Avatar. Retrieved from

RealD Glasses. (2011). Retrieved September 30th, 2011, from:

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